Harsh Reality of Education
1) There are too damn many people. Everywhere I go, it is packed. You would expect that there would be some sort of accomodation for this... Instead, there are lines, no parking spots, and constant loud noise.
2) All of those people crowding the halls will keep the URec completely unusable for the first three weeks of class. They will then disappear. That means I will be pissed off every morning I come to school for three weeks when I can't park there, run there, or punch things (that I won't get arrested for punching) there.
3) I have an instructor that quized me on the syllabus that he had not handed out yet. When I was slightly off, he stated that it had been on the web for weeks. (Nevermind that I had read it, just not studied it. It's a syllabus for Pete's sake.) Why does this aggrivate me? My other professor to date has not handed out or posted a syllabus. Trust me when I say that in Computer Science graduate school the latter is standard practice.
4) I still don't have a solid TA assignment. As it stood this morning, I was given a choice: (1) Instruct a lab, but come to school 5 days a week. (2) Grade papers and come to school only 2 days a week, but miss cruise to Mexico. I have been dealing with this since 8:00 AM, it is now almost 3:00.
Thanks for letting me get that out. I have just been so stressed with finishing my research lab duties, school, and home that I've seriously thought about shaving my head. I don't know what I thought it would solve, it just seemed like the most logical solution...