Technical Duckery

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Message to Dog Owners

Suppose I'm out in my garage at 2:00 am working on my car. I have a 2.5 acre yard and the nearest house is over 250 yards away. Working on my car is reasonable use of my property even at that late hour. Now the person across the street and down a quarter mile has dogs. Those dogs won't stop barking because it is late and they hear me.

This is what I want to explain to the dog owner. In such a situation, I am not keeping anyone awake. It's the DOGS that are keeping someone awake. I swear... They have extremely sensitive hearing. That's not my problem. They bark when a grasshopper pees in my front yard. RIDICULOUS.

Anyway. It's nice to be poor so I can worry about stuff like this and not blog about the economy.


  • Outstanding.

    And I'm glad to see you blogging again. I think I'm gonna have to dust off the old keyboard myself.

    By Blogger Luke, at 8:35 AM  

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