Technical Duckery

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Job Posting

No, no, no. I haven't given up on my educashon just yet. I just have to share the oddest disclaimer on a public job posting I've ever read. Under Application Procedures and Clarifications of the job posting:
(5) Do not knock on the office doors of Mr. ______ or me without invitation for interview. Doing so will reduce your chance to get hired. Mr. ______ and I only interview applicants who are in good health. In your main message to me, you should indicate whether you are in good health or not. If you are sick (for example, if you have a cold or hay fever), please indicate that in your main message so that the interview (if any) will be conducted after you send me another message indicating that you have fully recovered from your illness.

I have recently come to know Mr. ______, and I usually think of him as an excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal, if you know what I mean. This proves that I am not being hard on the guy. I think such a disclaimer really limits the quality of the people who apply. You have to have pretty low self-esteem to send a resume in which you have to state, "As of today, I'm rash free".


  • What if you can never state that you're rash free?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:22 PM  

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