Technical Duckery

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Che Guevara

Perhaps I am the last person remaining on this Earth who did not recognize the image that is spray painted on every street corner in America. It amazes me that after living with a far-left political activists for almost an entire year, I didn't bother to Google it. Well the opportunity presented itself today and I have identified this portrait as that of Che Guevara, or "el Che". While it was no surprise to me that he was in fact, a South American revolutionary, he is actually a very complex historical figure. The actual portrait that this stenciled graffiti is supposed to depict is pasted below. This portrait has become known as the most famous image of the 20th century. While I seriously doubt the subjectivity of such a title, I wonder how many people, like I did not know the whole story behind the man pictured and what ideals he truly represented in both his life and his death. As I read about him, I wonder if those people with his image on a t-shirt blindly accept him as a leader emeritus and representative in death of what they truly belive or if they blindly accept his image and legacy without a sense of skepticism. Perhaps this is the way that the blind lead the blind...

The readers of this blog know that I would not have agreed with this person politically. I would not be buddies with this person. But I do believe that if you have the time or interest, (and assuming you are as ignorant as I) you should read the unbiased article for him on Wikipedia:

If you aren't into expanding your knowledge and are seeking a delightful distraction to the harsh reality of daily life, may I suggest a web site that is entirely dedicated to cats who look like Hitler (aka "Kitlers"):


  • Oddly, I'd like to go see both websites.

    -- Billy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:33 PM  

  • Thanks for the comment Biana. One of the most interesting things about his current status is that his image has become a symbol of capitalism. I think those that respect him have done him a great dishonor by using it as such.

    By Blogger John W. Burris, at 8:21 AM  

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