Technical Duckery

Monday, July 24, 2006

Where's My Camera?

I have never wanted to catch something on film as bad as I did today. (At least for humorous purposes. Marriage, baby, and other things technicaly take first place.)

I walked towards McDonald's for a yogurt parfait since the dairy shop was out of VANILLA... Well in Free Speech Alley there were some people shouting about Bush's lies, an illegal war, and most importantly the evil corporations that perpetrate the whole thing. I am very Republican looking, so they shouted at me. Hey, I'm part of the machine... No disillusionment here. So I let it slide.

When I get to McDonald's, there are three guys who are in front of me in line. They are sweating, holding papers, and wearing anti-government, anti-capitalism, and anti-corporation shirts. I posted an approximation to one of these shirts that I found on Of course, the real one had some revolutionary instead of a Family Guy character. They were part of the protest!

I laughed out loud. I was apparently high enough from their smell to ask what the hell was wrong with these people. I approached the (smallest) of the three and asked "Isn't McDonald's part of the machine?", "Doesn't spending money at McDonald's work against what you support?" and "McDonald's may be the most evil corporation in America by your metrics. Aren't they slowly destroying the health of Americans and exploiting the poor cheap labor?"

The guy looked me right in the face and says, "You're right, but we needed some food."



  • Pure intelligence...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:32 PM  

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