Technical Duckery

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Obesity: The Real Epidemic

I've been griping about this for some time now... America is just too damn fat.

I've been spending considerable time on a college campus through the years. From 1999 to 2006, I've noticed that the percentage of fat students is rising drastically. On the one mile walk from my car to my lab, I counted 9 people I would consider unhealthy due to weight. That may seem like a low number for a large campus like LSU... well that was only out of 77 people... and I don't consider a spare tire unhealthy.

So as I opened my browser this morning, the following graphic was there:

A study was done MSN Health & Fitness that showed just how bad it is and how quickly it got there. I would encourage my readers to view this link:

This trend is lowering our life expectancies and increasing our helath care costs. I think that this is possibly the second largest domestic issue that faces our nation and I really hope President Bush increases his efforts to make this nation healthier.

Want to know how you stand in this study? Find out what your BMI is here. A BMI of over 30 is considered obese. However, remember this is a blind test that computes this number based on only two variables. At my height of 5'11", 215 pounds is considered obese. I know a lot of very healthy people who are at that height and weight.


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